Abbi and I have just returned home from our winter tour. After our South Korea tour in November we flew to Istanbul, Turkey, to videotape a few segments for the “HOKUS-POKUS” magic television show. We had a few days to travel and explore the Turkish bazaars, mosques and cathedrals. Istanbul has some of the most magical monuments I have ever seen. I look forward to returning to Istanbul with our full evening show, in the near future. The final leg of the tour took us to Mexico, Honduras, Puerto Rico and across the Caribbean. I have been off email for 3 weeks (bliss!) and am getting caught up with all of my letters. We feel very blessed that we get to travel around the world and share our magic with other people and return home to our magical community here in Las Vegas. This week I will be on the Las Vegas Strip at The Riviera Casino for the World Magic Seminar, where I will be working with Eugene Burger and Lance Burton, hosting a special conference for teen magicians…the future of magic.