Greetings Friends,
Thanks so much for the feedback we have been getting on the recent issue Bryce Kuhlman edited of our” Secret Arts Journal” and Abbi’s ” Bali journal” article! If you missed the recent issue you can get it for free at
We are heading east this June for a series of performances and workshops in NY, NJ and PA. If you check the tour schedule
you can see when we will be near you. Abbi and I enjoy connecting with friends while we are in the area!
When Abbi and I are not performing or teaching, you can find us near the magic fire circle making music and dancing round the flames, weaving our magic. We just concluded our Vegas Vortex – MayFire event in the Valley of Fire. It was an amazing weekend of friendship, magic, music and more! A highlight was seeing the Aurora Borealis in the night sky.
Abbi and I and our friends from the Vegas Vortex are converging at DARK SKIES LAS VEGAS. We’re really excited that my brother, Clay Patrick McBride, will be joining us for this adventure. This will be the largest fire and dance event in the history of Las Vegas!
We will be hosting the opening ceremonies as well as sunrise and sunset drumming, dance and magic each day of this Burning Man style event hosted by the Las Vegas Artists community. Cameron Grant and his group are doing extraordinary events that are not only pushing the envelope, but burning it! Check out the new magic and community fire scene in Las Vegas by going to
The day after we get back from Dark Skies, I will be the first magician to perform magic at the new Wynn hotel! I’ve worked for Steve Wynn since I was his house opening act down at the Golden Nugget back in the mid 80’s, and I’m told he will be at the private party where I will be performing on Monday night, along with the governor and a lot of Vegas’ celebrities. Should be fun! Sorry to say, this is a private event, but I will notify you when I do a show there that is open to the public.
If you want to read more about our passion for fire and magic there is a new book just out called CONVERSATIONS ON THE EDGE OF THE APOCALYPSE, contemplating the future with Noam Chomsky, Alex Grey, Ram Dass, George Carlin, Deepak Chopra, Rupert Sheldrake and yours truly…. I’m honored to be in such progressive company. The new book, by David Jay Brown, is a series of interviews. The title of my interview is called: MAGIC, MAGICK AND SHAMANISM. Our conversation explores the relationship between performance, ritual and fire magic, and mentions the Mystery School of magical arts.
Here is a recent review of the book I think you’ll enjoy….
“Conversations on the Edge of the Apocalypse could not be more timely. These interviews of visionary thinkers, and the provocative interactions between those people interviewed, provide diverse road maps for navigating our way through an era of terror, conflict, and incipient disaster. Readers who are interested in novel paradigms, especially worldviews that will help humanity survive and even prosper, will find David Jay Brown’s book a source of delight, of wonder, and even of hope.”
–Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them; Co-editor of Varieties of Anomalous Experience
…from Conversations on the Edge of the Apocalypse By David Jay Brown
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
Thursday June 2nd through Sunday June 5th, 2005
Join us for an amazing community experience in the Magic of Fire Circle. Three all night Fire Circles and many daytime playshop tracks. A conscious progression of ecstatic experience, and the Alchemical techniques of Symbol, Rhythm, Movement and Song.
We are happy to be returning in July, to the Starwood Festival in Sherman, NY for one of America’s largest bonfire celebrations. This is held at the Brushwood folklore Center, where Abbi and I created the World Magic Festival in 1992 and 1993. We will be facilitating an all night Alchemical Fire Circle, as well as offering workshops and performances. For more info:
Later this summer, we are all getting together to witness and support the Gary Stadler and Bryce Kuhlman’s new mega-magic Dome at the Burning Man art festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. If you have not heard of, or been to, Burning Man, this is the year! Abbi and I will be creating a special “illuminations” magic show to perform inside Gary’s “INNER MIND” installation. For a sneak peek of what Gary is creating, go look at
We’ll be back from Spain at the end of June and will be home for a few weeks in July. If you are in Las Vegas drop us an email and we’ll create a time to get together. A bunch of us are going to visit Lance Burton at one of his shows; he’s added lots of new material, lighting and sets to his “New Wonders Await” show at the Monte Carlo. Also, Mac King has added a few new things to his show that we are going to check out as well in mid-July.
We’ll keep you up to date on things on the road and here in Las Vegas!
Love to you all, and see you soon!!
Jeff & Abbi