Champions of All Ages: Wisdom and Talent Fuel Mystery School Students’ Winning Streak

“The greatest gift a mentor can give is to believe in the ability 
of their student to become their own master.”

The Beginning was Mythic!

He was an old man, but a real life wizard. I was a young man in my twenties, a kind of arrogant, questing Grail Knight! We shared the path of magic. Magic kept him young, and his teachings helped me become wise…a perfect trade!

When I met Eugene Burger, I really had nothing in common with him except for our mutual love for magic and books. Eugene and I met at the Mostly Magic nightclub in the West Village in NYC back in the 1980s. Eugene knew I wanted to talk to him about Magic and Meaning and Philosophy, but we didn’t really share common ground. I was hesitant to talk to him – what to do?

Eugene was very clever and generous. He would surprise me by mailing me books, or leaving me books on my magic table backstage when we performed together at magic conventions. I read these books on philosophy, history, art, and spirituality, and now we had something to talk about. I was eager to call him and talk on the phone. The gift of these books might have been the secret to our lifelong friendship.

We spent many hours on the phone discussing the topics in the books and the magic of life. It was this sharing of books, wisdom, and magic that helped us create the Mystery School, a place where magicians, young and old, can follow their passion for magic.

“You Are Never Too Young…
You Are Never Too Old…
For Magic to Change Your Life!”

Did You Know?

McBride’s Magic & Mystery School has six students (yes, six!) who will appear on upcoming episodes of Penn & Teller: Fool Us this year? We can’t say their names until the show airs. We keep our secrets, but we will let you know when we can. Oh, and none of them are listed below.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. 
If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
 – Albert Schweitzer

Did You Know?

Winning is not about age. It is about a state of mind, and about training to be your best. Buddy August says:

“Two years ago this past May, I met Jeff McBride. 
I hadn’t performed magic in 57 years and today I won 
First Place at the 86th Abbott’s Magic Get-Together.
Thanks to the best Magic Coach in the world, Jeff McBride.”

Jeff & Buddy August

One of my oldest students won First Place at the Abbott’s Magic Get-Together stage competition. His name is Buddy August, and he is a self-proclaimed 77-year old teenager. His motto is “Magic makes us young again!” 

“Great things never come from comfort zones.”
 – Eddie Harris, Jr.

Blake Aleong is 14 years old, and he is one of my youngest students. He just won the Award of Merit at the International Brotherhood of Magicians national convention. Blake was taking private classes with me here in Vegas while attending MAGIC LIVE with his family.

Keep your eye on Blake Aleong, he is a rising star of magic from Vancouver, Canada.

Daryl Rogers won the First Place Award in the Get-Together’s “Curly’s Close-Up Classic” contest 2024. Daryl also took First Place in Stage Magic at the Abbott’s Magic contest in 2022.

Bravo Daryl! We salute our Mystery School Director of Communications for his impressive accomplishments. Daryl performs classical illusions from the “Golden Age” of magic. 
International student Roger Ruiz from Cuba won First Place at the International Brotherhood of Magicians international convention. Roger is very popular on TikTok with his contemporary performance of stage magic with a Latin flair.

Roger says, “I am thankful for Jeff’s video classes. The study of his work as a Master of Magic has given me incredible foundations for artistic work, which have helped me achieve all the goals in my career.”
Learn how you can work with me in person or online here –
Quiz Time! 
What do Mat Franco, Aaron Crow, and Romany have in common? Find out here –
Pop Quiz!
Can you see the wrestler in this photo who was inspired by Jeff McBride?

In the News! Wrestling Magician!
 “You’ve gotta have a gimmick!” is the old show biz saying. Back in the 1980s my student Del Rios created a character for professional wrestling named Spellbinder. Del was “The Magic-Wrestler.” As you can see, there was just a bit of McBride inspiration.

Del Rios as “Spellbinder” is being inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame!
Take a look at the video –

Meet Me Every Monday Night
Did you know that our Inner Circle Mystery School group meets every Monday online? You are invited! We can talk, and share our magic and stories about life. It is the next best thing to me leaving a magic book on your table. Take a look and see for yourself. Click the video below.

Join us –

See you online or here at the Mystery School in Las Vegas!

Jeff and Abigail

Learning for the Fun of Learning

Dear Friends:

Our early August Museletter for 2024 is from Kat Rettke. While not a regular performer of magic herself, Kat is an avid fan and student of magic. For many years, she has been an invaluable and much-loved member of our team at McBride’s Magic & Mystery School as our Executive Assistant. In this Museletter Kat shares her thoughts about a fundamental building block for a rich and varied life.

Learning for the Fun of Learning
by Katherine Rettke

Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life’s greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.
-Taylor Caldwell

I would like to share with you some of the classes I have taken over the past year. I hope sharing this list will encourage you to think about adding learning opportunities available to you.

Eventbrite –
Eventbrite is an event management and ticketing website where events can be searched by topic and location. It was through Eventbrite that I signed up for Fire Magic 2024 with Kevin Axtell with special guest instructor Jeff McBride. These yearly events are considered the country’s premier Fire Magic workshops with students attending from all over the world. Many students were performing artists who work with fire on stage. I am not in any way a fire performer but I got to face some fears and spend time with amazing people. Don’t let my expression in the above photo fool you – I was having a great time!  If you would like a better idea of what the weekend was like, please watch this video:

Mr. Fred Peters, Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (OLLI)  –
Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes offers noncredit courses at universities and colleges in all fifty states and in the District of Columbia. Although most OLLI programs are intended for retired and semi-retired students, many have no age restrictions. Classes listed are both live and on Zoom. The classes I have taken through OLLI have been taught by Fred Peters on the topic of the Apollo program. Mr. Peters is an aeronautical engineer who spent the majority of his 40-year career with NASA’s Johnson Space Center working on its manned spacecraft program.  It has been a privilege to learn about this program from an instructor who has firsthand knowledge.

Dane Clarke – Hanged Man

Meetup –
Meetup is a platform that can be searched by local area to find interest groups and classes. Meetup offers both live and virtual classes. The class I have signed up for through this platform is called “Practical Tarot” and it is taught by instructor Dane Clarke. Dane opens classes about the Major Arcana by recreating pictures from the Rider–Waite Tarot deck. Classes are educational, fun, and absolutely a highlight of my week. The level of expertise and entertainment value is so high that many students continue to attend this class for years.

Dane Clarke

McBride’s Magic & Mystery School –
How could a list of my favorite classes be complete without mentioning McBride’s Magic & Mystery School? The Magic & Mystery School is considered the best school of magic in the world. This school offers both live and online classes with scholarships available. Personally, I enjoy the classes which include magical theory and philosophy. My favorite classes at the school are “Magic and Meaning” and also “Weekend of Wisdom.” My involvement with this school as student, and as staff, has been life changing, and I have met life-long friends. I feel so fortunate to attend these classes.
Other Opportunities
Finally, I would like to include information about a few other learning opportunities. Master Class is a streaming platform with video lessons taught by experts in a variety of fields. I have not yet experienced a class through this platform, but I plan to. Public Libraries, Community Centers and Senior Centers are always offering continuing education opportunities in a variety of interests and disciplines. Please consider researching your own community to see what classes are available.
Kat Rettke

Fire Rituals and Transformation

Passing the Torch: A Rite of Passage
I vividly remember the day I became an adult. It was a hot summer evening in July of 1972. I was twelve years old and my dad handed me a paper bag filled with old newspapers. (No, that’s not it. Wait for it…wait for it!) Then he handed me a pack of matches and told me to go to the “burn barrel” and to burn the trash. I couldn’t believe that my dad actually handed me a pack of matches! 

Matches! Real matches! This meant I was not a little kid anymore. This was a symbol of responsibility. This meant I was grown up. I felt like a young warrior being handed a fire torch from the chief of the tribe. It was a mythic, life-changing moment! I spent hours tending that fire. Yes, it was just trash in a burn barrel, but to me, in that moment, it was a fire ritual, a rite of passage from kid to adult.

The Fire of Transformation

Ever since that moment I’ve been fascinated by fire. I’ve explored the art of fire magic, met my wife Abigail at a drum circle fire, and many of my best friendships are forged in fire.  Now, let me share the secrets of Fire Magic with you!

Live on  Zoom – August 2 & 9

Who is invited? Anyone who is curious about magic–Magicians, performers and flow artists that want to add magic effects, illusions, and dynamic special effects to their existing repertoire, such as: Flashes and Flames; Canes and Candles; Sparks and Smoke; Potions and Powders; and much, much more! 

Learn from experts, special guests and pyro-technicians how to handle these substances in a safe and secure way, and discover how to unleash the power and majesty of one of the most spectacular weapons in the modern entertainer’s arsenal!


  • Six hours of personalized training on ZOOM!
  • Extensive online archives and resource lists, video and continuing education materials
  • Connect with an international community of like-minded performers and forge friendships and lasting alliances
  • Get your personal questions answered by experts
  • Each student receives a Certificate of Participation in pdf form suitable for framing

Enrich your life and your performance by learning the secrets of the fire shaman, the secrets of sorcery, and the power of FIRE. All classes will be recorded so you can watch anytime you like!
Register here –

Las Vegas Magic News

Are you coming to MAGIC LIVE? Are you ready for a magical adventure? Now you can have a guided tour and personal visit with all of us at The Magic & Mystery School.

Imagine yourself guided on a mysterious adventure as your host Jeff McBride invites you to join him for an unforgettable experience. Watch Jeff perform some of his NEW and classic pieces, and then embark on a guided tour of the Magic & Mystery School. You’ll visit our incredible magic library and behold the thousand-and-one wonders of Jeff McBride’s extensive magic collection – a treasure trove he has gathered from his many years adventuring around the world.

August 3 and August 8
(The day before and the day after MAGIC LIVE)

Immerse yourself in a five-hour magical journey that will take you through the art and heart of magic, all while discovering the world’s premiere magic learning experience. You’ll get to participate in lectures, hands-on workshops, and of course, lots of magic. To keep you fueled throughout the day, snacks and drinks will be provided. 

This is a one-of-a-kind experience that may never happen again. This may be your last chance to make it a day at The Magic & Mystery School.
Register here –

See you online or in Las Vegas!

Jeff and Abigail 

The Four Downfalls

George Parker, faculty member of McBride’s Magic & Mystery School, is a bestselling author and creator of numerous magical solo theater shows. An internationally successful corporate speaker, storyteller, comedian, and stand-up illusionist, he has delivered over 5,500 custom keynotes and shows in over 35 countries. 

Help! Is There a Magician in the House?
While having breakfast in his home in Vermont, Bob Neale asked me,“Did I ever tell you about the four downfalls?” I answered him, “I don’t think you have.” He started to talk about what I now refer to as the Four Steps of Separation from our innate creative, and thus human, nature. Over time, the wording has changed for me, so I will paraphrase what Bob said. 
The Four Downfalls
First, we forget we imagined reality into existence. Everything around us – as well as the courses of our own lives – are the result of what we think, decide, how we behave and interact with others, and deal with circumstances and fate.
Once we have forgotten that, we start to think everything was, and always will be like it is now. We limit ourselves to what we think is possible based on current reality. As a result our growth and development stagnates. 
Once we’re in that mindset, we start to gather people around us who agree with us, and only take in information that aligns with our perspective. Once we’re in that bubble, we fall down one more time: we start to eliminate those who don’t agree with us. (See an animation I made –

Shock and Liberation
I was dumbfounded, and shocked, for two reasons.
Firstly, I had never heard the core of what’s driven me all of my life articulated in a more succinct way. When I was five, my father made a cigarette disappear right before me. Everything disappeared and I arrived in a state of wonder, before the downfalls.
Secondly, I became painfully aware of the fact that, although I climb out of it, I fall down frequently. I surround myself with my own tribe. When I read the news and I’m outraged, I sometimes have fantasies about people that would give even Freddy Krueger nightmares. 
Help, I’m Falling: Magician Needed!
Here’s when the magician comes in. He/she/them isn’t above these downfalls — quite the opposite. She/them/he experiences them all the time. The difference is that the magician is aware of the state of gradual separation from the soul, and the subsequent decline of life energy, or love, or whatever word you associate with it. 
As magicians we have a plethora of tools such as stories, magic effects, music, acting or anything else to help create a state of wonder. It can change lives, just like what happened to me when I was five years old, and many times after that.

We Heal Each Other
In true shamanistic fashion, this process of healing is reciprocal. In helping others to be in that state of wonder, the magician heals himself/herself/themselves. 
So whenever I notice I’m falling, I’ll either magish (I like that word that Albert Goshman used) for myself or for others. I may do it in a goofy, funny way, or a profound or theatrical way. It doesn’t matter. The only thing I intend to achieve is a daily portion of reconnection from which liberation will come. The rest will follow.
— George Parker

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