The Best-Kept Secret in Magic

Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don’t exit until the rug has come to a complete stop.
— Genie as an airline attendant from the Disney movie Aladdin

Dear Magical Friends:

Jeff McBride at YaleAs I write this, Jeff is just back off his magic carpet from his whirlwind trip to the East Coast, performing with yet another group of magic stars from the Magic Castle in the show “It’s Magic” at the Mohegan Sun Resort in Connecticut. He followed it all up with an amazing visit to Yale, where he presented his Jeff McBride Experience show, lecture and workshop in a setting “as much like the real Hogwarts as you can imagine!”

Now he is home preparing for his trip to the magic festival in Lille France, and some surprise events in Paris. When he gets home from that, he launches right into Mayfire, which he and Abbi have been hosting (with a lot of help from their friends) for a number of years now at Valley of Fire, just outside Las Vegas.

We are delighted to have our Associate Dean of the Magic & Mystery School, Dr. Lawrence Hass as our guest author this week. I know you’ll enjoy his thoughts:

Larry HassThe Best-Kept Secret in Magic

From Larry Hass, Associate Dean

Imagine you are reading the trick section of one the magic magazines:

The Effect: You have a magic experience that is profoundly transformational. Afterward, the world looks different to you, filled with fresh possibilities. Whereas before, your forward path was cloudy and unclear, you now feel inspired by new ideas, great, new performance material, and new friends.

The Secret: [Read More. . . .]

Thank you, Larry!   I should note that we have two Extended Master Classes this summer, before Magic and Meaning…and they are both filling fast.   These classes fill fast, and they represent your best bet, in my opinion, for moving your magic a quantum leap forward. The August class is also almost immediately after the end of Magic Live!, my favorite magic convention. I double dare you to see if you can handle 10 days in a row with more magic than you ever imagined you could experience!

Jeff McBride Lecture NotesBryce just informed me that he’s turned Jeff’s lecture notes, Magician 24/7 and Pack Small, Play Big, into virtual lessons available for download.  These two booklets contain the details of Jeff’s most-requested lectures. You’ll learn some of the secrets of being a professional magician. These are lessons that can only come from a seasoned professional like Jeff. Learn how to tour the world with a full stage show and get everything on the plane with no extra fees (and sometimes an upgrade to First Class).

Until next time, then – we all wish all of you a most magical time!

Best wishes.

Tobias Beckwith

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