New Year Musings

Dear Friends (from Tobias):

Wow — it’s already been a busy year! Jeff and Abbi and Jordan have just returned from the island of Hainan, off the southern coast of China, where they performed “Magic at the Edge” at a corporate event. Now, as January winds to a close, those of you who have Magic Magazine’s annual calendar will be bidding goodbye to Jeff McBride’s photos as “Mr. January.” Jeff is honored to be the lead-off magician for 2008!

Before moving on to additional news, I’d like to share a story from one of Jeff’s students, Jacques le Sueur. This is from an e-mail sent us by Jacques:

I’ve just been up to Lagos, Nigeria to perform at corporate shows, but had a chance to go into the jungle and entertain at a couple of villages.

The chief of one village, Big John, asked me as I left if I could give him the Lottery numbers. I said sure, but could only give him four of the five numbers, the last he’d have to choose for himself.

I gave him some random numbers, and then forgot about it.

At 3:30 that morning I got a phone call at the hotel from my corporate host. The Lottery numbers had come through, and the village has won a very small fortune!!

They’re using the money to put a borehole in, get electricity, and redo some of the shack housing. Oh, and putting a small statue of me in the centre of the village. 🙂

It just goes to show — your magic can change the lives of others in ways far beyond what you might imagine!

Before I turn this over to Jeff, I wanted to let you know that Jeff’s column “Ask the Show Doctor,” which appears monthly in MAGIC Magazine, is about to become a live entity in and of itself. Sometime in February we’ll be activating the online version, in which anyone who visits can log on and post questions for Jeff to answer in his role as “The Show Doctor,” with answers viewable by all. We’ll let you know when the new site is live — but you can start collecting your questions for Jeff right now!

Happy New Year to All!

Tobias Beckwith

From Jeff:

Magic — and among its branches I include psychology as its purpose to describe and change consciousness — is an art.” –Starhawk

One of my passions is exploring the connection between magic, psychology, and philosophy. Richard Weisman is a scientist, lecturer and magician who created this unique event at a science museum in the UK. Here are a few interview segments from a recent exhibition in London.

Psychology of Magic part 1

Part 2

We are offering some new classes this year at the Magic and Mystery School.

If your passion is card magic, I will be sharing my inner secrets about my card manipulation act with a small group of students at Focus on Manipulation. This event will be followed with our three day Master Class. For more information please go here:

Over the next few months, a new documentary will start showing at film festivals across the country. “Women in Boxes” explores the history of women in magic. Abbi and I are featured in interviews and performance segments. Eugene also offers his unique perspective on the role of the feminine mystique in magic.

You can get a sneak peek online.


February 1, 2, 3rd in Las Vegas. This alternative event is for people who are interested in magical community, alchemy, drumming and dancing. All the information is online at Check it out!

The days have been sunny here in Las Vegas. We are looking forward to hosting Eugene Burger for our upcoming classes. I am spending a lot of the time this month between tours editing some new DVDs that will be out in the next few months, and working with private students. Also, look for me on season four of MINDFREAK. Criss and I will be doing a few segments together.

Love to all,


Recent additions include:
Exploring Magical Presentations with Eugene Burger

Jeff McBride’s Revolution! — The Secrets of the Double Dancing Cane!

Jeff McBride: A Magickal Life — An extraordinary one-hour documentary of Jeff McBride’s quest for real magic.

Beyond Deception — Tobias Beckwith shares the secrets he uses to help Jeff McBride, Marco Tempest and others create astonishingly original magic.

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