My favorite people in the world!

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
— Carl Jung

Below is a new photo of the Mystery School Faculty, by our friend and photographer extraordinaire, Richard Faverty!

Magic & Mystery School Faculty
Top row: Tobias Beckwith, Jeff McBride, Abbi McBride, Dr. Larry Hass
Front row: Bryce Kuhlman, Eugene Burger, George Parker

I have a confession…

One of the reasons I started Mystery School was to share personal time with Eugene Burger. Perhaps it was selfish, but this opportunity for us to gather with Eugene and other top minds in magic has inspired not only me but hundreds of magicians from all over the world! I feel that all of us at the Mystery School share similar feelings for Eugene and each other… we do this because we love it! We hope you can join us for one of our events online or in person! Every Monday night we get together for a new magic meeting and class, and you are invited. It won’t cost you a penny. Just point your web-browser to

Our guest writer this week is filmmaker Michael Caplan, whose latest work is A Magical Vision, a documentary all about our Dean, Eugene Burger:

A Magical VisionAfter award winning festival screenings from Chicago to India and over 14,000 online viewings, A Magical Vision is getting its premiere DVD release. A Magical Vision spotlights Eugene Burger — his magic, his philosophy, and his influence on the art of magic. For Museletter subscribers, Eugene Burger hardly needs an introduction. That said, Eugene is a far-sighted philosopher and magician who is considered one of the great teachers of the magical arts. Eugene has spent twenty-five years speaking to magicians, academics, and the general public about the experience of magic. Advocating a return to magic’s shamanistic, healing traditions, Eugene’s “magic tricks” seek to evoke the feelings of awe and transcendence that is lacking in most modern magic…

The film is Eugene’s journey. It began in 1940s Chicago, a city already renowned as the center of classic magic performance. Yale Divinity School followed, leading Eugene to the world of Asian mysticism. From there came the creation of Hauntings, a tribute to the spirit theatre of the 19th century, and the gore of the Bizarre Magick movement. Today Eugene’s performances and lectures draw inspiration from the mythology of India to the Buddhism of magical theory.

Read the full article in the Secret Art Journal…

The DVD is now available at Montrose Pictures for $19.99.  It was a labor of love for me to make and I’m so pleased to finally share it with you.

Thanks, Michael, for the article and for your wonderful film!


I get asked that a lot! I LOVE touring, but I do get a bit homesick. I miss Abbi and being with all of my friends at the Mystery School. That is why we have filled the fall season with events — to keep me home in Las Vegas! If you want to plan a “magic study vacation” in Las Vegas…October and November are full of great events for you to attend:

McBride World Tour News – The Illusionists

We now have an English language version of the video trailer for The Illusionists. Enjoy!

The Illusionists

McBride Magic Experience in Louisville

I’ll be in Louisville, KY for a 2 day event, performing my full evening show plus a 2 hour lecture and a full day MCBRIDE SUPER SESSION. Check it out here.

Wonderground News!

The biggest magic party in Las Vegas happens every 3rd Thursday. You can join us live or watch online at See our line-up for this month at

Bravo! at Wonderground

Personal Training in Magic

In October, I will have a few days to meet with students of magic, just like you, who want to get that personal touch. Skype Session information is here.

Staying in Touch

You can find me almost every day or even late evenings (after my shows) sharing magic and conversation with my friends at my web-station at I hope you’ll stop over there when you can to say “hello!” There’s always something interesting going on.

Your friend in the art of mystery,
Jeff McBride

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