— Pamela Anderson
Historians say the first golden age was over with Vaudeville. The second magic boom was in the early 1990’s in Vegas. Could this be the 2nd Golden Age of Magic?
It sure felt like a major shift for magic when The Illusionists played Mexico city last month! 12,000 eyes looking at me onstage! Yes, the theater was sold out at 6,000 people a show. We did 2 shows a day. Mexico was a blast …just take a look this photo of the huge theater.
Might be! $2.7 million dollars in ticket sales in 8 days – 46,000 tickets sold!
Here is a VERY rare video look at “our view” of the audience. We shot this while we were taking bows before 6,000 magic fans in Mexico City AN ILLUSIONISTS POV video.
“Illusion is the first of all pleasures.” — Voltaire
This Thursday, August 16th, I will play the part of “The Shaman” at our monthly magic extravaganza here in Las Vegas.
Joining us at Wonderground this month will be The Mystery School All-stars, including FISM Award Winner, Eugene Burger, Larry Hass, Bryce Kuhlman and the amazing George Parker, on a rare visit all the way in from Holland, will headline the close up theater.
We’re also excited to a special headlining appearance by mythic Percussionist C.G. Ryche.
You can experience a sample of Ryche’s work at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTMtsKtlKyI
One show only, live in Las Vegas Aug 16th @ WONDERGROUND
Or watch our livestream starting at 10 pm pacific time on www.mcbridemagic.tv
Get full details at http://www.vegaswonderground.com/.
‎”If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” — Milton Berle
QUESTIONS OF THE MONTH: What will you do with your work to ready yourself for the 2nd Golden Age of Magic? What upgrades in your workplace, systems, performance or education will you employ? Will you just wait and watch others take the lead or will YOU take action?
What actions will you take?
Rave reviews for my new book The Show Doctor keep coming in!
This is what they are saying on “the green monster” – Magic Cafe.
Get all the inside news on the book here:
While you are at it…Take a look at my great new magic effect!
Magically yours,
Jeff McBride
From Tobias:
Jeff will be on tour in South America again for the month of September, but we have a full roster of classes and events in October and November. Something special for Street Performers, Mentalists and Medical Professionals – as well as my favorite event of the year, our annual Magic & Meaning conference. Sign up now…these events are filling fast: www.magicalwisdom.com.
We also DO have some weekend dates still available for The McBride Magic Experience events…if your magic group is looking for something more than just another lecturer, get in touch with me at the e-mail below now.
Wishing you a magical end of summer!
Tobias Beckwith