Magical Dreams Come True

“It’s one of the most stunning and incredible illusions you can imagine. Acclaimed magician Jeff McBride rolls up his sleeves to his shoulders to prove there is absolutely nothing there at all. Then hundreds of playing cards individually appear from his fingertips, pour from his mouth and race from his arms and elbows. He then flicks them at Guinness Book of World Records speed so fast they actually bounce off the floor and land perfectly in a pile 30 feet away. It’s not just mind-boggling — it’s
— Robin Leach on Magic at the Edge

Jeff & Robin Leach

Jeff & Robin Leach

Photo: Richard Faverty/Beckett Studios

Greetings friends,

All is well in Las Vegas. McBride Magic at the Edge is up and running. The dream has become a reality. After 21 years of performing in other people’s shows, we finally have opened our own room. Please join us for the fun and magical adventure! (details below)

Photo: Richard Faverty/Beckett Studios

The press night of the show we had 2 standing ovations…I guess the show is a big hit! People are asking me about our show schedule. We have shows each night at 7:30pm, and if you come Fri and Sat, just stay on for our after-party at the Wonderground.

This Wednesday we had a pre-show awards ceremony. Our friend Tony Hassini presented our show with the award.

I would also like to thank all the Mystery School magicians and local magicians who are showing up to contribute to the magical extravaganza that is the Wonderground.

Yours in magic,

McBride: Magic at the Edge
August 21 through Thanksgiving
Nightly at 7:30pm (except Tuesdays)
Sound Trax Showroom at Palace Station
For tickets, call (702) 221-6756 or visit

Wonderground: A Magical Club Experience
Every Friday and Saturday, 10pm until 2am
Sound Trax Showroom at Palace Station
Visit for more information

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