It’s Alive! WONDERGROUND – Rising Like the Phoenix!

Greetings friends,

Fifteen years ago, I had a vision of a community-driven Las Vegas magic and variety show. It is an enduring vision that has taken on a new life of its own – it is a vision that will not die. Long live WONDERGROUND!

Did you hear the news? WONDERGROUND is coming back!
It’s like The Magic Castle meets Burning Man in Las Vegas!

To purchase tickets, CLICK HERE, or click the image below.

WONDERGROUND! The new magic show at Area 15

Yes, the news is out, and WONDERGROUND will be hosted at Area 15 at a venue called “The Wall.” Area 15 is the coolest venue in Vegas! Only 80 seats will be listed, so get tickets now.

Appreciation and Gratitude
Hundreds of performers have helped our success with WONDERGROUND over the years – too many to name. However, a special shout out goes to friends Tim Wise, Scott Steelfyre, Leo Diaz, Will Bradshaw, The NWR Dancers, The Olive crew, Reem, Jay and Cory Rubino.

WONDERGROUND memories are alive!

Passing the Torch
Last September, after a great fifteen year run, it was time for me to step down as organizer of this amazing event. Will and his Area 15 team are producing the experience in Vegas. Tim is talking about the possibility of creating a similar venue in California, and who knows where the future will lead. It is an exciting journey filled with limitless possibilities, but for now there is one more WONDERGROUND, so see you April 9th!

Join Us in Chicago for Two Great Events

In the SOLO SHOW BOOT CAMP, you will learn how to fuse artistry and showmanship into a powerful full-evening show. This is your invitation to train with the top magic teachers and directors in the world.

Who is the SOLO SHOW BOOT CAMP for?

  • Anyone who loves magic and wants to learn the secrets of success.
  • Anyone who is working on a solo show, parlor show, or theater show.
  • Magicians who want to pack small and play big.
  • Magicians who want to play Performing Arts Centers and Theaters or who want to create their own personal performance venue.

Find more information about the SOLO SHOW BOOT CAMP here –

 All New for 2024

Jeff McBride’s FESTIVAL OF MAGIC takes place in Chicago at The Rhapsody Theater, May 31 through June 2. During three immersive sessions, Friday night through Sunday afternoon, you will experience two major shows, and participate in workshops, lectures, and private parties at the magnificent Rhapsody Theater in Chicago. Above all, you will spend quality time in small groups learning from the world’s finest magic teachers.

During Jeff McBride’s FESTIVAL OF MAGIC you will experience – close-up and personal – magic performances, lectures, workshops and teaching sessions, along with parties and magic jams with the Senior Faculty of the School.

Along the way, you will see these two full-evening shows:

  • David Williamson starring in RIDICULOUS – superstar comic sleight-of-hand performer, and recipient of a Performing Fellowship from the Academy of Magical Arts.
  • Jeff McBride and the Mystery School All-Stars Show – Guinness World Record holder and the man who fooled Penn & Teller, in an all new Gala Show Spectacular! 

Seating is limited, so register now for a full weekend of illusion, mind reading and fun!

Vegas – It’s a Trip!
If you plan a trip to Vegas, please contact us to set up your own private class. Call Abigail at 702-450-0031 or send her an email at
We so enjoy passing on the torch of magic to light the way for the magicians of the future!
Jeff & Abigail 

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