Help us Make History!

Help Jeff McBride & Street of Cards make history!

Jeff McBride teams up this week with Street of Cards TV for the first ever live reporting from FISM — The World Championships of Magic, going on right now in Beijing. McBride is reporting using his tiny pocket camera, with instant uploads to the Street of Cards web site. If you’re a magic fan and always wanted to visit the biggest event in magic, but couldn’t make it in person — now you can be there virtually!

Go to now. We suggest keeping a window open — the blasts come through periodically. Until the next one is live, you can watch the archived reports Jeff has already filed.

I know we just sent you a Museletter earlier this week — but we didn’t want our friends and reader to miss out on this opportunity, which continues for just a couple of more days. We hope you’ll enjoy experiencing the World Championships of Magic with Jeff!

Best to all.

Tobias Beckwith

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