Good News and Great Reviews

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!
— Anne Frank

[A Quick note from Bryce:  Don’t miss Jeff’s new essay, Audiences: Remembering and Forgetting, in the Secret Art Journal]
Greetings Magical Friends,
My show props are back from Russia and I am re-packing them for the upcoming summer tour. If you want to know what Russian magic looks like, take a look at the Russia video here:
During my travels I collected a few “golden nuggets” of wisdom for you:
From Australia! Our friend and student Adam Mada talks about making a living in the performing arts:
A thought-provoking essay: Changing the Face of Magic, recommended by Brian Brushwood:
Featured Star Student of the Month: Eduardo Galeano
It is a great pleasure to see one of our students realize his dream! Take a look at Eduardo’s email and the link attached!
From Eduardo:

“Hi Jeff! I just wanted to say again thank you, thanks for all your support. I wanted to learn card manipulation, and it was because of your DVD´s The Art of Card Manipulation. It would not have been possible for me to perform at the French Cabaret without your DVDs and your lessons at the Mystery School. Thanks.”

Take a look at Eduardo’s act here:
Jeff McBride by Lydia Burris
Artwork by Lydia Burris
We have some great reviews and letters this month:
It was quite a surprise to see my Butterfly Blizzard get such a good write-up!
Here is a photo of world-famous quick-change artist Arturo Brachetti performing Butterfly Blizzard accompanied by a full symphony orchestra:
Arturo Brachetti butterfly blizzard
Here is what Jonathan Pendragon said about Butterfly Blizzard:

“Hi Jeff,

I just wanted to tell you how much I loved doing the butterflies.   I used a double load and filled the air on a large stage in an arena.  The air time was amazing, much better than any snowstorm load I have ever used.  I just stood there and thought, “that is so cool.” It is a rare experience to be captured in the magic of your own making. Butterfly Blizzard does exactly this.  As the butterflies flutter around me, with astounding air time, the anthropomorphic illusion becomes so real that I feel transformed as well.  It never fails to amaze the audience and take my breath away in the bargain.

Ave Magnus,
Jonathan Pendragon.”

Upcoming McBride on Tour: New York City, Dallas Texas and Canada!
News about my shows at the Vancouver Music Festival:
Magic in Las Vegas:
Here is a link to a new review of our show at the Wonderground, from the UNVL Rebel Yell. They call us “Las Vegas’ most wonderous show.”
In addition to our monthy WONDERGROUND event, we have been streaming LIVE every Monday from our Mystery School TV studio here in Vegas. As of last week’s show, we have recorded over 22 hours of original magic content, and it is all FREE to you, my friends! Just log on to at any time.
See you all Monday night at 7pm Vegas time (PST) for the next Mystery School Monday! I’ll be coming to you this week live from Dallas, where I will have just landed in preparation for the national I.B.M. convention.
Your friend in the art of magic,

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