Creating Your Own Masterpiece

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”

 John Ruskin

Hello my friends,

Today I have a few serious questions for you…  then, the fun begins!

  • When you die, will you leave some art of yours behind for others?
  • Will YOU ever create a masterpiece in your lifetime?
  • Who is teaching you how to make your life an artwork?

I have many inspired, talented teachers who encourage me along my path. Two of my teachers are named Joshua; you will learn about them both today.

One of them is Joshua Millburn. He is a writer.

Mr. Millburn says,

Do you wish you could create something meaningful? Do you wish you had the time to work on that thing you’ve always wanted to produce—that novel, that piece of art, that passion project?

Step 1. Look at yourself in the mirror. It’s time for you to be honest with yourself. Either you’re accomplishing what you want to accomplish or you’re not. There is no in-between. If it’s the latter, then you must admit to yourself that you are the only person preventing you from pursuing your passion project. Denial is heartless; so the first step is looking in the mirror and admitting that you haven’t even scratched the surface on creating something meaningful.

Step 2. Kill your distractions. Make a list of everything getting in your way. “Surfing the net” too much? Get rid of the Internet at home. Are certain people draining all your time? Get rid of your unhealthy relationships. Are material possessions getting in the way? Get rid of your crap.

Step 3. Make time every day. None of us were born equal. We come from different backgrounds, different cultures, different socioeconomic situations. Suffice it to say, we were not all born on a level playing field. Time is the one exception. The only thing we all have in common is time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So, get up at 3:30 a.m. if you have to. Find 30 minutes before you leave for work. Work through your lunch break. Find an hour after work. If you want it bad enough, you’ll find the time. You have the same amount of time as everyone else who has ever created a masterpiece.

Now you can read the rest of Mr. Millburn’s  16-step guide here:

My wife Abigail is a work of art!

“This is Abigail Spinner McBride Those of you who know her will recognize that she’s been conservatively rendered, without any embellishments or exaggeration. The fantastic light and mythic extravagance of a truly accurate portrait would fail in the arms of disbelief.”  —  Joshua

Joshua Levin is a fantastic artist. He inspires me with his ability to transform paint into magic! Joshua is holding a contest tribute to Abigail, who is also known as “Abbi Spinner.” You can win one of these posters by hearing what Joshua has to say,

”FREE art print to the best “Spinn” on my new drawing of Spinner (digital pencil)!  I’ll send a free print of this image to whomever writes the most captivating poetic or mythopoetic description of the Spinner. If you want to participate, just “follow” my artist’s page at, and post your description there. I’ll choose a winner on November 24th (Thanks Giving). “Spinner” was hand drawn on an iPad pro. Prints are available on 240gsm natural white archival paper with archival ink at:…/joshualev…/works/23683209-spinner

Visit Joshua Levin here:

“To be creative means to be in love with life.”

– Osho

What does it take to create your masterpiece?

I feel that in order to win the title of “master,” you must earn it from your peers. Your peers or teachers are the ones who can proclaim that one of your works is “a Masterpiece.” In my lifetime, I’ve been fortunate to have created a few magical works that my peers call masterpieces. Let me teach you what I know about creating your own masterpiece.

World Tour

December – Touring in the Carribbean

January – The Magic Castle in Hollywood

Schedule & Available dates here:

Spring Training Series (nearly sold out aready!)

New Class: Magic & Theater

I have toured the world with my own theatrical blend on magic, theater, dance, mime and mask, and I am often asked who inspires my work as an artist. I am inspired by magicians who have a deep knowledge of theater and the performing arts. These people work wonders on stage.

The name Gaston comes to mind.  Here is a photo of Gaston.


Gaston is his name.

Gaston is a miracle worker!

Gaston is a F.I.S.M. award winner.

Gaston is one of the most talented actor-magicians in the world.

Gaston is the theatrical director for many of the world’s top performers.

Gaston travels the world teaching theater arts to magicians and other performers.

Gaston can teach you many excellent techniques that will help you get to the next level.

Gaston lives in Germany.

Gaston speaks perfect English… oh, and perfect German too.

Gaston is coming to Las Vegas!

Gaston & I will be teaching a 3-day Master Class workshop in July here at the Magic & Mystery School!

Wonderground News –

We create NEW art for you every month! Come join in the celebration!

Thanks to our amazing art and theater community, every month our shows get better and better! YOU will enjoy a 3-hour immersive magical encounter with many of the top variety acts in the world, performing inches from your face!

NOVEMBER 17, 2016


Astonishing  close up /strolling magic with Will Bradshaw and Tim Wise


With your Master of Ceremonies-Tim Wise

Joe Atmore – Modern Mind Reader

Krystal Lawrence – Delightfully Twisted

The Shocker – The Loudest Magician on Earth!

Will Bradshaw – Theatrical Magic

Zamora the Torture King – His Pain = Your Pleasure


Will Bradshaw – Conjuring Dreams

The Shocker – Extreme close up magic!

Miguel Ramirez – And Now…For a touch of Elegance!


Jeff McBride is your MC

Sonny Fontana – The NEW Invisible Man

The Shocker – As seen on TV!

Rene Delgadillo – Salsa magic

Zamora the Torture King – World record breaker!

Jason Bird - Direct from “Masters of Illusion!”

AMAZING JONATHAN – a historic appearance at WONDERGROUND!

PLUS: Bar Magic with Zack Pattee, Scott Steelfyre, and Iam Creed. The New World Rhythmatism Tribal Belly Dance Troupe, Psychic Sideshow with Mulee Pete and Alan Scott, live art with Areeya and Suzanne–and many more surprises and special celebrity guests!!

Photography by Sheryl Garrett.

May your life become your magical masterpiece!

Jeff McBride


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