Passing the Torch: A Rite of Passage
I vividly remember the day I became an adult. It was a hot summer evening in July of 1972. I was twelve years old and my dad handed me a paper bag filled with old newspapers. (No, that’s not it. Wait for it…wait for it!) Then he handed me a pack of matches and told me to go to the “burn barrel” and to burn the trash. I couldn’t believe that my dad actually handed me a pack of matches!
Matches! Real matches! This meant I was not a little kid anymore. This was a symbol of responsibility. This meant I was grown up. I felt like a young warrior being handed a fire torch from the chief of the tribe. It was a mythic, life-changing moment! I spent hours tending that fire. Yes, it was just trash in a burn barrel, but to me, in that moment, it was a fire ritual, a rite of passage from kid to adult.
The Fire of Transformation
Ever since that moment I’ve been fascinated by fire. I’ve explored the art of fire magic, met my wife Abigail at a drum circle fire, and many of my best friendships are forged in fire. Now, let me share the secrets of Fire Magic with you!
Live on Zoom – August 2 & 9
Who is invited? Anyone who is curious about magic–Magicians, performers and flow artists that want to add magic effects, illusions, and dynamic special effects to their existing repertoire, such as: Flashes and Flames; Canes and Candles; Sparks and Smoke; Potions and Powders; and much, much more!
Learn from experts, special guests and pyro-technicians how to handle these substances in a safe and secure way, and discover how to unleash the power and majesty of one of the most spectacular weapons in the modern entertainer’s arsenal!
Enrich your life and your performance by learning the secrets of the fire shaman, the secrets of sorcery, and the power of FIRE. All classes will be recorded so you can watch anytime you like!
Register here –
Las Vegas Magic News
Are you coming to MAGIC LIVE? Are you ready for a magical adventure? Now you can have a guided tour and personal visit with all of us at The Magic & Mystery School.
Imagine yourself guided on a mysterious adventure as your host Jeff McBride invites you to join him for an unforgettable experience. Watch Jeff perform some of his NEW and classic pieces, and then embark on a guided tour of the Magic & Mystery School. You’ll visit our incredible magic library and behold the thousand-and-one wonders of Jeff McBride’s extensive magic collection – a treasure trove he has gathered from his many years adventuring around the world.
August 3 and August 8
(The day before and the day after MAGIC LIVE)
Immerse yourself in a five-hour magical journey that will take you through the art and heart of magic, all while discovering the world’s premiere magic learning experience. You’ll get to participate in lectures, hands-on workshops, and of course, lots of magic. To keep you fueled throughout the day, snacks and drinks will be provided.
This is a one-of-a-kind experience that may never happen again. This may be your last chance to make it a day at The Magic & Mystery School.
Register here –
See you online or in Las Vegas!
Jeff and Abigail
George Parker, faculty member of McBride’s Magic & Mystery School, is a bestselling author and creator of numerous magical solo theater shows. An internationally successful corporate speaker, storyteller, comedian, and stand-up illusionist, he has delivered over 5,500 custom keynotes and shows in over 35 countries.
Help! Is There a Magician in the House?
While having breakfast in his home in Vermont, Bob Neale asked me,“Did I ever tell you about the four downfalls?” I answered him, “I don’t think you have.” He started to talk about what I now refer to as the Four Steps of Separation from our innate creative, and thus human, nature. Over time, the wording has changed for me, so I will paraphrase what Bob said.
The Four Downfalls
First, we forget we imagined reality into existence. Everything around us – as well as the courses of our own lives – are the result of what we think, decide, how we behave and interact with others, and deal with circumstances and fate.
Once we have forgotten that, we start to think everything was, and always will be like it is now. We limit ourselves to what we think is possible based on current reality. As a result our growth and development stagnates.
Once we’re in that mindset, we start to gather people around us who agree with us, and only take in information that aligns with our perspective. Once we’re in that bubble, we fall down one more time: we start to eliminate those who don’t agree with us. (See an animation I made –
Shock and Liberation
I was dumbfounded, and shocked, for two reasons.
Firstly, I had never heard the core of what’s driven me all of my life articulated in a more succinct way. When I was five, my father made a cigarette disappear right before me. Everything disappeared and I arrived in a state of wonder, before the downfalls.
Secondly, I became painfully aware of the fact that, although I climb out of it, I fall down frequently. I surround myself with my own tribe. When I read the news and I’m outraged, I sometimes have fantasies about people that would give even Freddy Krueger nightmares.
Help, I’m Falling: Magician Needed!
Here’s when the magician comes in. He/she/them isn’t above these downfalls — quite the opposite. She/them/he experiences them all the time. The difference is that the magician is aware of the state of gradual separation from the soul, and the subsequent decline of life energy, or love, or whatever word you associate with it.
As magicians we have a plethora of tools such as stories, magic effects, music, acting or anything else to help create a state of wonder. It can change lives, just like what happened to me when I was five years old, and many times after that.
We Heal Each Other
In true shamanistic fashion, this process of healing is reciprocal. In helping others to be in that state of wonder, the magician heals himself/herself/themselves.
So whenever I notice I’m falling, I’ll either magish (I like that word that Albert Goshman used) for myself or for others. I may do it in a goofy, funny way, or a profound or theatrical way. It doesn’t matter. The only thing I intend to achieve is a daily portion of reconnection from which liberation will come. The rest will follow.
— George Parker
What does it take to win the hearts and minds of audiences, judges and critics? Take a look at the video and learn.
Jeff McBride has coached magicians who have won major competitions, including America’s Got Talent, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, the World Championships – FISM, I.B.M., SAM, the Magic Circle, and countless other international competitions.
Now, for the very first time in history, Jeff teaches you his secrets of success. Jeff will be joined with a star-studded cast of guest teachers, including FISM world champions in mental magic Anna and Lucca, AGT winner Mat Franco, Penn & Teller: Fool Us winner Chris Capehart, Magic Circle Magician of the Year Romany, I.B.M. winner Tetro, and many more.
Who Is This Class For?
* Six hours of expert training and discussion that you can watch anytime.
* Personal interaction with the stars who will answer your questions.
* Access to the Mystery School Master Key Archive, an extraordinary collection of curated media content in print and video format that will enrich your study and training experience.
* Professional secrets and routines that will only be taught in this one-time only class – never to be repeated.
Full info available at –
Financial aid is available –
Jeff McBride’s Magic Festival
May 31 to June 2 – One Time Only – Never to be Repeated!
A weekend full of action packed magic, including two unique full evening performances, David Williamson in his new stage show “RIDICULOUS!” and Jeff McBride’s MYSTERY SCHOOL ALL-STAR EXTRAVAGANZA.
But That’s Not All!
Join us for:
Jeff McBride’s Exclusive Lecture. Learn the forbidden secrets of spirit mediums and unlock the mysteries of the supernatural with Jeff McBride’s captivating lecture. You will learn how to perform your very own seance in your own home.
David Williamson takes the stage and shares his techniques and stories of his legendary comedy magic.
Larry Hass will draw upon the work of Eugene Burger to share important insights to inspire your personal path in magic.
Ricardo Rosenkranz uncovers the secrets behind one of magic’s most iconic illusions with an eye-opening presentation.
Ross Johnson delves into the depths of mentalism, offering a sneak peek into his upcoming book. NOTE! This is the ONLY time Ross Johnson is lecturing on his mentalism east of the Mississippi – one time only.
A magical surprise from a living legend of comedy magic. We can’t tell you now (it’s a mystery,) but you won’t want to miss this unforgettable performance.
And for the select few who dare to journey deeper into the mysteries of magic, an exclusive Secret Seance awaits, reserved only for those attending both the Solo Show Boot Camp and the Festival of Magic!
This is your chance to be part of a magical experience that will leave you breathless and longing for more. But remember, this opportunity will come and go in the blink of an eye – once in a lifetime, never to be repeated.
Join us, and let the magic begin!
See you online or in Las Vegas!
Eric Henning, known as the Capitol Conjuror, is a regular guest star and headliner at the critically-acclaimed Washington Magic dinner show. In this Museletter, he tells how a small gift not only brought back a flood of memories, but also points the way to a brighter future.
The Gift
The team here at Washington Magic just received an amazing gift. It was a package full of hand-painted Pysanky eggs made by our friends in the Ukraine. Suddenly, a flood of memories came rushing in, taking us back to a journey that began four years ago.
Time and distance have given us insights and perspectives that you may find useful. In 2020, most of the USA was on COVID lockdown and live events were essentially illegal. Magicians were wondering not only how we would make a living, but also whether magic would survive.
Virtual Isn’t the Same
Probably the biggest difference was not having live, in-person audiences. Magic is an intimate medium, and ideally experienced in person. Magic on television doesn’t have the same immediacy of something happening in real time, in front of your eyes, or even in your own hands. In this age of technology, live entertainment is the only thing that can compete with the magic that’s at our fingertips every day.
Adapt to Survive
So, naturally, we adapted. We used Zoom and other remote platforms. We became TV producers, and we changed the magic we were doing. We had to fit great visuals into a small frame. The magic had to be convincing, even if the audience couldn’t handle the props.
This required a great deal of creative thinking, and we had to process a lot of information very quickly. We had to learn about lighting, sound, camera techniques, and the fact that your iPhone microphone will pick up every little sound in the entire house. It was exhausting! But within a few weeks, many magicians were doing amazing shows on Zoom. And they were making contact, real contact, with people who felt isolated and anxious.
When you knew you were going to be in lockdown what was your first response? You probably beefed up your streaming and playlists. Maybe you added Disney+ for the kids. You hunted down entertainment, because you knew you were going to have time on your hands. Here at Washington Magic, we thrive on our live dinner shows, done in the elegant surroundings of the Arts Club of Washington. You simply can’t replicate that online – it’s completely impossible.
What Could We Do?
We got our team together and started to plan. First, we wanted to reach out to our audience and give them whatever enjoyment, distraction, and stress release we could. And we wanted to let as many people as possible know about the show, so that by the time when we reopened, we would have built a loyal audience who had followed us throughout the pandemic.
We began doing monthly online shows. Each performer videoed their segments at home. Most of us used our smart phones, which are often the best cameras available to us. We learned how to coordinate music and lighting to make something that looked really good. Most importantly, we watched ourselves with more precision and intensity than ever before.
We improved – fast! Having to create a solid three to five minute performance on video forced us to refine our material, and improve our magic, our writing, and our stage presence faster than ever before. And, we were polishing new material much faster than ever before.
We Were Homesick
We also learned just how much we missed the Arts Club. With its unparalleled elegance and atmosphere, the Arts Club of Washington is one of the characters in the show, an essential part of the team. But during lockdown, the Arts Club was closed. What could we do?
We decided to raise money for them. On our website,, along with the previously broadcast online shows, there’s a big button to donate to the Arts Club of Washington. Even today, we encourage you to contribute as liberally to their relief as you can.
Not the End of the Story
By early 2022, we had accomplished our mission. We’d brought online shows to our fans, added dramatically to our fan base, become proficient at taping our performances, and had leveled up our skill as entertainers several times over. Thanks to vision and teamwork, we had turned a crisis into opportunity.
So that’s the end of the story, right? In the words of legendary college football commentator Lee Corso, “Not so fast, my friend!”
A New Vision
In February 2022, Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, setting off a massive war that’s now in its third year. Millions of people, especially families with children, have been displaced. What could magicians possibly do to help?
Another visionary emerged. Geoffrey Grimes, an accomplished magician in Texas, had an idea – why not collect magic shows on video, and upload them to a website where refugee families could watch them for free, on demand? And was born.
Our Washington Magic team immediately knew we had to support this effort, and we donated all the footage from two years of online shows to Magic For Ukraine. And we weren’t alone – hundreds of family entertainers donated thousands of hours of show footage, which to date has reached hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world. That’s why this gift of Pysanky eggs really hit hard. These are a direct connection to the very hands of the refugees we hoped to help.
So what did we learn? First, that magic isn’t a luxury; it’s an art that we need to feed our souls. Second, that with vision, empathy and skill, we can turn a seemingly impossible, horribly ugly situation into something beautiful. And finally, we learned that nothing we do is wasted. Our art is a gift. When we create something beautiful, it can heal, refresh and inspire people in myriad ways that we never imagined possible.
You and your art can have a positive impact on the world. Don’t wait for a pandemic or a war – start now.
Eric Henning –
Thanks to the Endowment & Development Fund of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, we are offering this amazing opportunity ABSOLUTELY FREE to all I.B.M. Members between the ages of 13 and 19. This will take place for two days before the convention, and for one hour daily during the convention.
Faculty will include Lance Burton, Jeff McBride, and Larry Hass, as well as many surprise guests.
For more information on this event, and how to register, go to:
You must be registered for the convention as well as for the seminar, but the first forty I.B.M. youth members under the age of 18 also get to register for the convention for FREE. What a deal!
Don’t delay. Spaces are limited.