HOT NEWS FLASH! I Could Not Believe it! But it’s True

I could not believe it! But it’s true!

Newsflash! Cover Story!
Yes, friends, I was certainly amazed when I saw the front cover of the Las Vegas Weekly. If you only read one story today, let it be this one. This is a great story about the history and mystery of the Las Vegas magic community. See it here –
If Las Vegas is the center of the world for magic, then WONDERGROUND is the center of the Magic Universe. Will Bradshaw is doing a great job at Area 15, bringing magic, variety and community every month. For more information go here –

The Evolution of Storytelling Magic – From Shaman to Showman!
From the earliest times, people gathered around the tribal fire. Thousands of years ago, when the sun would set, people would come to where the light was to make magic and share stories. The same thing happens in Las Vegas each night. When the sun goes down. People come to where the light is, and whether they know it or not, they’re re-enacting this very ancient, timeless ritual of sharing stories. Because where there’s light, there’s magic, and Las Vegas has more light per square inch than anywhere else in the world. Please sit down and join us at the fire.

Learn the Secrets of the Master Storytellers

You can become part of our amazing lineage of storytelling magicians. These masters will share their stories and magic at each and every class. ALL CLASSES ARE RECORDED, SO WATCH ANYTIME.

The Storymaster welcomes our special guests 

  • Hannibal
  • Jonas Cain
  • Norberto Jansensen
  • Derek Selinger
  • Byron Grey
  • Arun Rath
  • Evelyn Ehlers
  • Gordon Meyer
  • Sasha Crespi
  • Franklin Williams
  • John Ferrentino
  • …the spirit of Eugene Burger
  • And many more to be announced.

30+ Years in the Making

Over 30 years ago, I began my quest to learn from the greatest storytellers in the world, and now I’m putting together a class to share what I have learned. I’ve been working on this class for a long, long time and I’m ready to share the secrets I’ve learned from the world’s greatest storytellers with you. You are invited to learn the Secrets of the Master Storytellers. Register now –


Each Christmas Eve, my Dad would gather our entire family by the fireplace and read his hilarious version of The Night Before Christmas.

“The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, 
 in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be…golfing!”
“No, Dad!,” all the kids screamed.
“Santa soon would be THERE! Not golfing!”

Dad would misstate the last word of every line and all the kids would shout and correct him! This was our family tradition, and I still carry on this storytelling tradition on Christmas eve with Abigail, our friends and GOLFERS, (um…I meant to say Family!) 

This is the time for stories. This is a time for sitting by the fire with friends and family. Everyone here at The Magic & Mystery School sends you warm tidings for a wonderful, healthy, productive, and prosperous New Year.

See you online or in Las Vegas!

Jeff and Abigail and The Magic & Mystery School family 

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