WMS, AprilFools Winners and more

Dear Friends:

For this Museletter, we’ve asked Jordan Wright, our long time friend, sometime student, and for the past couple of years, Jeff’s number one assistant, to write something for you.

We’ve also got the results from the April FoolsLetter Caption Contest. They’re included at the end of this email. If you’ve got one of the winning captions, Bryce will be in touch with you via email next week.

Before Jordan kicks things off, here’s a reminder from Tobias:

Don’t forget to tune in to CelebraCadabra on VH-1 this Sunday. Check your local listings for the exact times in your area. Tell your friends to watch, too! We all watched the first episode, and were delighted with the results. The producers have done a fabulous job of weaving together the various personalities, their stories, and the story of the competition itself to create a very entertaining program.

Also: Between picking up students during this week’s World Magic Seminar and viewers from CelebraCadabra, we’ve seen more folks rushing to sign up for the summer classes at the McBride Magic & Mystery School. We have a few slots still open for both the July and August classes, but they are filling fast — so if you’re thinking about joining us for one of these upcoming classes, now is the time to sign up: www.magicalwisdom.com.

Best to all!
Tobias Beckwith

From Jordan:

“The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary.”
— Warren G. Bennis

As I’ve said many times, I believe that in order to be great at something we all must strive for excellence by learning from those who are the best at what they do. Jeff, Eugene, Bryce and I have just finished hosting the Lance Burton Teen weekend as part of the annual World Magic Seminar held in Las Vegas. This is always an exciting weekend. It not only gives me a chance to teach a few tricks while offering bits of advice and tips to the teens, but it also gives me a chance to see what a real impact Jeff and Eugene make on these students’ lives by offering wisdom and encouragement going way beyond mere technique. The weekend ended with a pizza party at Lance Burton’s house where the teens were joined by some celebrity magicians who were equally happy to offer advice and answers to various questions the teens had. Much was accomplished and it was a very successful weekend.

Now for some important news items…

The faculty of the Magic and Mystery school is gearing up to travel out to Hollywood in two weeks for the first ever Magic and Mystery School Week at the Magic Castle. Jeff, Abbi, and I will be performing in the Palace of Mystery. Also performing that week will be Eugene Burger, Dr. Larry Hass, George Parker, Just Alan, and Bob Fitch, with special guests Katlyn Miller Breene and Todd Karr. If you are in the Los Angeles area the week of May 20th through the 25th, please be sure to join us for what is sure to be a unique and exciting week of shows.

Finally, in reference to the opening quote, Jeff McBride has just received the 2008 award for Best Magician by the Magic Woods in England — another tribute to a man that has contributed much to the magic world. You can view the list of all of the 2008 Magic Woods Awards online.

Best wishes and hope to see you soon.

Yours in magic,
Jordan Wright

April FoolsLetter Caption Contest Winners:

First Place: “Criss Angel wows his audience by blowing up a lifelike Jeff McBride to finish his balloon modeling

Second Place: “Here we see famous magicians Jeff McBride and Criss Angel attempting a new Himber Ring routine using earrings and lip rings.”

Third Place: “Artist’s rendering of how Siamese twins Criss and Jeff would have matured, if not separated at birth by grueling 16-hour facial reconstructive surgery. Both infants magically thrived, with only sleight

Honorable Mention: “Here we find Jeff McBride at home, showing off a most unusual ear

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